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[docs]def augmented_image_transforms(d=0, t=0, s=0, sh=0, ph=0, pv=0, resample=2): r"""Returns a list of augmented transforms to be applied to natural images. Args: d (sequence or float or int): Range of degrees to select from. Default: ``0`` t (tuple): Tuple of maximum absolute fraction for horizontal and vertical translations. Default: ``0`` s (tuple, optional): Scaling factor interval. Default: ``0`` sh (sequence or float or int, optional): Range of shear. Default: ``0`` ph (float): The probability of flipping the image horizontally. Default: ``0`` pv (float): The probability of flipping the image vertically. Default: ``0`` resample (int): An optional resampling filter. Default: ``2`` See :py:class:`torchvision.transforms` for more details. """ from torchvision import transforms degrees = d translate = None if t == 0 else (t, t) scale = None if s == 0 else (1 - s, 1 + s) shear = None if sh == 0 else sh return transforms.Compose([transforms.RandomAffine(degrees, translate, scale, shear, resample), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(ph), transforms.RandomVerticalFlip(pv), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(*[[0.5] * 3] * 2)])
[docs]def image_transforms(augmentation=0, direction='horizontal'): r"""Returns a list of transforms to be applied to natural images. Args: augmentation (float): The percentage of augmentation to be applied. Default: ``0`` direction (str): The direction to flip the image at random. Default: ``'horizontal'`` """ x = augmentation if direction == 'horizontal': ph = 0.25 * x; pv = 0 elif direction == 'vertical': ph = 0; pv = 0.25 * x elif direction == 'both': ph = 0.25 * x; pv = 0.25 * x return augmented_image_transforms(d=45 * x, t=0.25 * x, s=0.13 * x, sh=6 * x, ph=ph, pv=pv)