Source code for magnet.utils._node

import magnet as mag

[docs]def summarize(module, x, parameters='trainable', arguments=False, batch=False, max_width=120): r"""Prints a pretty picture of how a one-input one output sequential model works. Similar to ``Model.summarize`` found in Keras. Args: module (``nn.Module``): The module to summarize x (``torch.Tensor``): A sample tensor sent as input to the :attr:`module`. parameters (str or True): Which kind of parameters to enumerate. Default: ``'trainable'`` arguments (bool): Whether to show the arguments to a node. Default: ``False`` batch (bool): Whether to show the batch dimension in the shape. Default: ``False`` max_width (int): The maximum width of the table. Default: ``120`` * :attr:`parameters` is one of [``'trainable'``, ``'non-trainable'``, ``'all'``, ``True``]. `'trainable'` parameters are the ones which require gradients and can be optimized by SGD. Setting this to ``True`` will print both types as a tuple. """ from torch.nn import Sequential from beautifultable import BeautifulTable from magnet.nodes import Node from magnet.utils.misc import num_params def _handle_parameter_output(mode, node=None): str_dict = {'trainable': 'Trainable', 'non-trainable': 'NON-Trainable', 'all': '', True: '(Trainable, NON-Trainable)'} if mode == 'col': return str_dict[parameters] + ' Parameters' def _get_num_params(module): n = num_params(module) if module is not None else (0, 0) n_dict = {'trainable': n[0], 'non-trainable': n[1], 'all': sum(n), True: n} n = n_dict[parameters] return ', '.join(['{:,}'] * len(n)).format(*n) if isinstance(n, tuple) else '{:,}'.format(n) if mode == 'row': return _get_num_params(node) print('Total ' + str_dict[parameters] + ' Parameters:', _get_num_params(module)) _start_idx = 0 if batch else 1 shape_sequence = [x.shape] children = list(module.children()) if isinstance(module, Sequential) else [module] for m in children: with mag.eval(m): x = m(x) shape_sequence.append(x.shape) shape_sequence = [', '.join(str(i) for i in s[_start_idx:]) for s in shape_sequence] table = BeautifulTable(max_width=max_width) column_headers = ['Node', 'Shape'] if parameters is not False: column_headers.append(_handle_parameter_output('col')) if arguments: column_headers.append('Arguments') table.column_headers = column_headers row = ['input', shape_sequence[0]] if parameters is not False: row.append(_handle_parameter_output('row')) if arguments: row.append('') table.append_row(row) for node, shape in zip(children, shape_sequence[1:]): name = if hasattr(node, 'name') else str(node).split('(')[0] row = [name, shape] if parameters is not False: row.append(_handle_parameter_output('row', node)) if arguments: if isinstance(node, Node):row.append(node.get_args()) else: row.append('') table.append_row(row) print(table) if parameters is not False: _handle_parameter_output('total')